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Radon Gas Linked to Lung Cancer

Studies Show Correlation Between Radon Gas Exposure and Lung Cancer

Radon gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can be found in homes, workplaces, and other buildings. It is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, after smoking. Radon gas is invisible and odorless, so it is important to test your home or workplace for radon gas exposure.

There are a number of studies that have shown a correlation between radon gas exposure and lung cancer. One study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, found that people who lived in homes with high levels of radon gas had a 40% increased risk of lung cancer. Another study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, found that people who worked in buildings with high levels of radon gas had a 20% increased risk of lung cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radon gas as a Group 1 carcinogen, which means that it is known to cause cancer. The WHO recommends that all homes and workplaces be tested for radon gas exposure, and that steps be taken to reduce radon gas levels if they are found to be high.
